Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sea of Persuasion

I am immersed in a sea of persuasion everyday by driving by billboards with advertisements, watching commercials on TV, listening to commercials on the radio, and communicating with family and friends. My best friend has been trying to persuade me to go out with her and some other friends this Friday when I have an exam on Saturday morning, so it wouldn’t be such a good idea. I have watched the commercial for several times, so last week I was persuaded to go on the website and sign up. However, once I got on the site, I realized that it wasn’t as “free” as it claims to be in the commercial. It was $15 per month, and when I cancelled, was charged $1. This is why it is important to be a critical consumer. It is important to analyze both the pros and cons of everything before you are persuaded into it. You must question its accuracy, credibility, honesty, value and significance before you can decide whether or not you should believe in it.

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