Thursday, November 20, 2008

Persuasive Discussion

I recently had a discussion with a family member about Prop 8. I was trying to convince him to vote against it, while he was trying to persuade me to vote for it. It was more like a debate because more family members joined the discussion and brought up new arguments. Two of us were pro same-sex marriage and two of us were against it. The arguments for same-sex marriage were valid and included points about discrimination and history (proof of gay’s centuries ago). The arguments against it were based on personal views and morals. In my opinion, we had good reasoning. However, those against same-sex marriage we not persuaded by the end of the discussion because they strongly believe in their morals. For my speech, I need to find stronger points in order to persuade my audience who perhaps may have strong beliefs as well.

1 comment:

Mare said...

Hello Clarissa:

Proposition 8 is a hot and touchy topic nowadays. I am hearing about protests and even individuals vandalizing the property of churches who (obviously) endorsed it. People on both ends have strong opinions about same-sex marriage so I am not surprised that you got into a heated discussion about it. It will be interesting to see what approach you are going to take for those individuals who perhaps have strong feelings against same-sex marriage in the audience. I was thinking perhaps you appeal to the audience's emotions; maybe that will do the trick. Although it seems it will be difficult to convince everyone, I am sure you will do a great job. You seem knowledgeable about the subject and I cannot wait to hear it.