Saturday, September 6, 2008

Something useful from Ch. 2...

The relaxation techniques mentioned in Chapter 2 made me feel relaxed just reading and imagining what is being said to do. In my communication class at USF, my teacher used to make everyone get up out of their seats before a speech, make funny noises and do a few stretching exercises. This was in hope to break the ice with speech anxiety. After reading this chapter, I realized that maybe a big part of why I feel so nervous doing speeches is due to the fact that I’m a procrastinator and am always in a rush. Perhaps my tension is really stress rather than actual anxiety. And one of my favorite stress relievers is definitely mind exercises like yoga and meditation. I usually never have the time to do these exercises, but come to think about, I think this technique may actually help me out during my next speech. I will certainly try my best to complete my speeches in this class EARLY instead of the last minute so I can have time to relax by the helpful breathing exercises recommended in Chapter 2.

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