Friday, September 19, 2008

Audience Analysis and Adaptation

Before even starting a speech and picking a topic, it is important to know who your audience is going to be. If your audience is a preschool class, you will probably prepare much differently than if your audience was a class of students pursuing their Ph.D's. Audience analysis is getting information about your audience and creating your speech based on their interests. Audience adaptation is delivering your speech to a specific group of people in a way that maintains their attention. I will use audience analysis in my speech next week by developing my outline and speech based on what I think the audience will like. For example, I will be demonstrating ab workouts. I'm sure that college students who are into health and fitness will be interested, and others who may want to begin to get in shape will also be intrigued if they know the benefits of working out and realizing it isn't as hard as it looks. After the class meets in person, I think the speeches that follow will be better prepared because we will be able to rehearse with visualization techniques.

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